im friend of dan de man and im new yay im almost a level 2
Welcome to the forum! Great choice of user name!
you two dont know each other do you? lol anyways, welcome to the forums =p
posting with your mouth full again are we, H. Wall?
nice to meet you colombian man, nice avatar
Hope you type better than dan.
sweet im almost in a sig, and yeah, arghhhhhhhhhhhh is like my favoritist phrase, ins in my own language, someday i will make a dictionary so normal folks can understand me
But he spelled uniquely sp? worng.
maybe its not wrong, just different.
Welcome, Im Kristine. Nice to meet you…
Or it could be worng.
Na, it’s not wrong it just a unique spelling! Lol!
My old eyes can’t take this. I’m changing my nickname to UNIquelyCalifornian.
the funny thing bout this is he registerd at my house and we were both reading the replies (hehehehehehhe)
i can almost do a 180
try to imagine you just jumping and doing a 180 on your feet
my 15 minutes of fame!
I’m new to
Congrats on level two something. I’m about 0.25, using sticks like ski poles for balance but learning on gravle road. Progressing with practice.
Well now that tumblebug has posted that, the line has to be modified slightly:
That’s two more of us and two less of them.