Hi I'm Back So Am I Missed?

Yea hi all. After a lengthy disappearance from the forums during which probably all of 1 person noticed (i.e., me), I’m back.

So, uh… what did I miss?

I’ve got a Uni and joined the forum…
I love it :smiley:

Well good on you! Everyone should own a uni. Or a few. Preferably a few.

yes no joke just yesterday i was thinking “where is fuxusmaximus”

I’d definetely notice if you posted in MR. Seeing as you don’t, I didn’t really miss you. Also, you haven’t got an avatar and there are other people with similar sounding names, so yeah.

But welcome back! We missed you!

sheds a manly tear

I ddin’t even know you exhisted…

Hi, I’m Poseidon, hello Fuxusmaximus!

I remember you but I didn’t know you left :o

Anyway welcome back:D

I noticed kind of. Mostly because I got your name confused with maximusunius, or however you spell it. Then I saw his video and was like, ummm that isn’t a girl. Then I was like o right its a different name, where the hell did she go.

Ok. I got myself an avatar. So will I be missed more if I disappear for another month or so now?

I noticed!

You’ll be noticed now

Edit: you should put the hat pic as your avatar!

No I can’t. That’s only for Christmas. I’d put up a Easter bunny costume pic but Easter’s over too.

Please, don’t leave us again.:wink:

(I noticed slightly, and I would have noticed more if we didn’t talk on myspace.)

you got a summer one? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sick and tired of these mutha-f’in fluxusmaximuses on this mutha-f’in forum.

Juuuust kidding.

I’m not black.

Welcome back.


Im Chad, never knew you here.
how long were you gone?

Check out my new vid in the movies!
Its ahhh its my first vid, even though it prolly should be my 5th.

Hi Chad, I subscribed.

Hi Matt, I was gonna tell you over myspace that I didn’t have AIM.

Hi everyone else, uh… I haven’t got much to say apparently but hi.

You’re wearing a threadless.com tshirt!

I am too! They’re different (you: Good Intentions, me: I Like Trees Too), but they’re both green!

…High Five!

But you didn’t, and now I feel so empty…:frowning: