hi (i guess i'm kinda new lol)

well i didn’t really find part of the forum to introduce yourself so i guess i’ll just do it here!! my names Stephen and i live in michigan and am part of rtuc(redfordtownship unicycling club)

hey. welcome. what city do you live in. i ask because i live in michigan aswell, but am not a prat of the rtuc.

Welcome to the forum.
Any questions, ask away.

Yep, just make sure you do some searching before you make a new thread, cause a lot of times, you can find what you need easily in a search.

How long have you been riding?

welcome to the forums!

Yeah welcome these forums rock!

Hey ranger111133, welcome to the forums my friend. If you need any help with your unicycle Eg: can’t find parts, maintenance, cost, etc. Feel free to ask any of the very friendly people on this forum. Oh including me. :smiley: :smiley:

Take care