Hi guys

Sorry so long, I haven’t been on this forum in months D=
So, happy new year,
What have I missed? :slight_smile:

I think I remember you.
You used to have the avatar of you with the big long pole?

Your avatar confuses me! :astonished:

Not for me it doesn’t and welcome back samwii. :smiley:

Lol, not that I’m aware of =]

The unicycle jousting avatar?

I remember it well.

-25 religious thread (25 fails to prove the existence/non-existence of God)
-2 or 3 gun control debates but they are decreasing in frequency.
-1 Zillion posts in MR and its death

  • birth of the new MR
    what else?.. new users, Google custom search engine, multiquote tool…
    This list has no pretention to be exhaustive.
    Welcom back;)