Hi folks - NE Ohio unicyclist introduction.

I’m Tim. I’ve been unicycling for about 10 years now. Just got a Nimbus Blizzard, so I’m starting on some street/trials skills. I caught up with a club nearby, which is helping me push myself much more.

Today it is 45 degrees F and windy, so I am stuck inside and figured I’d join up with you guys.

Oh, and my 21st birthday is right at the end of the NAUCC, so if you are coming out we are going to have to party.

Hey, I am in newark ohio area! we should meet half way and ride some time

Sure thing. We’ll have to find someplace to ride

I’m gonna try to get my old roommate into unicycling and he lives in Leetonia. Maybe we can meet up when I head out that way to uni with em. Not sure when though, cuz I live in Penfield, OH.

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Hi i am HenryyWilliams.

That is cool. Leetonia is like 10 minutes away from me. You are welcome to get at me anytime you are around.