Hi All

Thought id say Hi, i picked up a unicycle for the first time today and have got the bug lol. The lad at work had one but giv up after a week or so trying so i thought id give it ago today and dont think i did to bad tbh.

this was me again after 15 mins this morning. i dont know if the link will work

<a href="<object width=“568” height=“320”><param name=“allowfullscreen” value=“true”></param><param name=“movie” value=“https://www.facebook.com/v/10151199812743668”></param><embed src=“https://www.facebook.com/v/10151199812743668” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“1” width=“568” height=“320”></embed></object>"><object width=“568” height=“320”><param name=“allowfullscreen” value=“true”></param><param name=“movie” value=“https://www.facebook.com/v/10151199812743668”></param><embed src=“https://www.facebook.com/v/10151199812743668” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“1” width=“568” height=“320”></embed></object>


this is me after 15mins this morning lol. lol look at the shoulders

<a href="<a href=“http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy296/JoneseyBoyy/th_IMG_0896_zpsae1ca9ce.jpg[/IMG]”]">http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy296/JoneseyBoyy/IMG_0896_zpsae1ca9ce.mp4">[IMG

What you think

thats the direct link if the other dosent work

No blood in the picture. You must be doing something right.:smiley: keep it up

Lol thanks for the reply need to buy a new uni tho as this is the lads in work which is about 11 years old and a cheapie. You can probably imagine whate the seat is like :s

I’ve got one of those seats. OUCH ! For me at least, seat and seat heighth are 90% of the battle.