
I tried riding on pavement yesterday. I could ride for much longer but after pedaling for so many feet the uni would turn in the direction of the foot that’s pushing the pedal down. I’m thinking i’m not putting all of my weight on the seat?

also, free mounting is still a bitch too.

It took me 2 weeks to freemount a 24" my friend. But it eventually becomes as easy as learning to ride a tricycle. :smiley:

to learn freemounting, i used the curb in front of my house.

I’m thinking i should really learn how to ride properly before i free mount. Does anyone have any tips to solve my balance problem?

I feel like I’m asking too much :roll_eyes:

i am currently teaching my sister to unicycle. i tell her these things mainly:
weight on seat
keep pedalling as moothly as possible
sit up straight
dont go too slow

her progress: after about 90 minutes, she can ride max. 25 ft and average 8 ft. better than i did.

If you need some help on the freemounting technique. Its what i used when learning. :slight_smile:

no need to read that: just grab the wheel!

I now can ride up to at least 300 feet. I’m quite pleased since i only practice 3-4 times a week for about 45 minutes. My riding still isn’t really smooth. I’ll ride smooth, then my wheel will go ape shit to the left and right. Sometimes i can recover but sometimes i can’t. My free mounting is getting better too. I haven’t even thought about doing any tricks or anything yet :stuck_out_tongue:

good job!

Keep up the good work my friend. You are doing awesometastically. :smiley:

That is a sick word. I’m going to start saying that. :smiley: :smiley:

Okay. This is my last request for help. I swear :D.

Any tips on idling? I feel that if i can do that my free mounting will improve greatly.

keep weight on the seat, look straight ahead, smooth motion, dont stop yourself moving side to side to correct :smiley:

Here you go. :smiley: