
Hey everyone, I’m new to this site so I figured I’d say hi.

hi back :roll_eyes:

Alaska, hey? Many riders up there?
What do you ride?
Welcome to the forums my friend!

Nah unfortunately I’m one of few, at least in palmer. in anchorage there are some and in seward there are some awesome muni riders, but where I live I’m pretty much on my own. however I have inspired several to learn. I’ve been riding for about a year, I learned on a torker cx and later bought a nimbus II which I was pretty dissapointed with… in 3 months I managed to completely destroy it lol. I’m looking into buying a new trials uni but I’m not sure what I want cuz I don’t want to waste a lot of money on something I’m gonna break in a year or so. so where are u all from?

I recommend a KH20, those things are bomb proof! :slight_smile:
I do muni myself, I have a 24" custom muni.
And I live in Australia.

That’s one more of us and one less of them.

Welcome to the Forum Jeff.

How did you get into Unicycling?

Hawo AK_unipsycho, I welcome you to the forums with open arms and mighty big hugs.

If you require assistance/help. Don’t hesitate/feel free to ask me or any of the kind and friendly people of this forum. As i’m sure they will always be here to help you with your unicycling problems to the best of my knowledge. By the way you can call me Harry if you want. But again, welcome to the forums.

So have fun, enjoy, relax and welcome to the wonderful world of unicycling.

:smiley: Your new Greek Cypriot Australian friend. :smiley:
Harry a.k.a HAZMAT
