Hey Unicyclists/ Introduction

Thought I would introduce myself, I learned to ride a unicycle when I was about 8 or 10 years old–it was a Shwinn? I think probably 24",… had it and rode it for years. Don’t know what ever happened to it though. About 5 years ago, I wanted to try it again at the age of 50. Wasn’t sure I could still do it , but I purchased a Torker 24" cx — it came in the box, I assembled it and got on and took off like I had just riden yesterday. Had fun but my daughter ran it over backing out of the garage and I was sans unicycle again. Finally about a month ago I took the taco wheel into a local bike shop to see if they could fix it. They were not able to find a rim that would work so I purchased A Torker 26" Lx in the hopes that I might be able to travel a little faster and maybe ride on some dirt roads or trails. the box showed up and I assembled it and found that it took a couple of trys to get used to the larger wheel. Riding now, trying to increase my endurance everyday. I don’t really get tired, but I get sore from the seat. Need to toughen up my bottom LOL Having fun, looking forward to traveling farther and working on the off road portion of the experience.

Hello xamana !

Just a friendly hello.
You are way ahead of me, but I’m getting there.
Wish I had conquered this thing earlier myself, but then where would the challenge be now, right?

A 26" sounds great!
Congratulations on getting back to unicycling.
Have fun with it.
This forum is just as much fun as the riding, so check in here often too.

Pleased to meet you.

It’s great to hear that you are enjoying unicycling again. I’m afraid the bike shop didn’t look very hard for a replacement rim for your Torker CX 24" because they could have rebuilt your wheel with any 24", 36 hole rim. Still, replacements are the best reasons to upgrade and it sounds like you are doing well with your new 26". Welcome to the forums.

It’s great to hear that you are enjoying unicycling again. I’m afraid the bike shop didn’t look very hard for a replacement rim for your Torker CX 24" because they could have rebuilt your wheel with any 24", 36 hole rim (assuming the hub was in good shape). Still, replacements are the best reasons to upgrade and it sounds like you are doing well with your new 26". Welcome to the forums.

Thanks for the welcomes and replys,

I should add that bike shop did say they could rebuild my rim, but parts and labor would have come to about $80 and I could replace the Unicycle for about $99 so it seemed like it was more logical to upgrade.

Sounds eerily familiar!

And welcome to the Uni Forum! :slight_smile:

Ditto. Learned at age 12 and didn’t ride again until I was 49. I’ve just purchased my 9th unicycle. Be careful. It’s addicting.

Where are you located, Xamana?

thanks for the responses, haveing fun on here

I live at Lake Tahoe mbalmer— finally getting some nice weather

A familair story indeed! Could ride a bit at 20, didn’t ride for 25 years, bought one in February and rode a bit, like before. Riding further has been a challenge. Glad you’re back, and glad you’re here!

One of these summer days I will come up. You can use my Nimbus MUni and we can do an off road ride. You will be pleasantly surprised how the seat is compared to the torture of the Torker seat.

@mblmer-- sounds fun, I think I need to get some miles under my belt before I can go very far,
the seat might not be very comfprtable, but I probably need to just toughen up some , it can’t be all the seat lol

I am still learning all the lingo of Unicycling, just found out what Muni is today – I think I have a lot to learn

Hi xamana and everyone else on this thread,

You all are ahead of me, but I’m working on catching up soon.
I surely do like this forum and would LOVE to be able to ride like the rest of you “older-but-taking-up-riding-again” unicyclers one of these days… maybe even WITH you. I still think I’m pretty out of shape, which has to be one reason it’s taking longer than I imagined it would, but I’m working on it. I had a unicycle when I was around 12, but I never mastered it like the rest of you. I’m doing it now though.

Anyway, this sounds like a such a fun group!
Can I play too?

Thanks Everyone!

BTW, UniGeezer,
I must credit you with getting me fired up to take on this challenge. I was surfing the web and found your spot on the news (or whatever it was) along about Novemeber last year, and it occurred to me that I could do that myself. Well, not so much the muni, but just riding around the neighborhood. That’s what I’m aiming for at the moment. So Thank you!

Hey Unirider— thanks for the welcome---- I am still working on gaining endurance from my hindside lol

I remember being a kid and bragging because I could ride off a curb, hop, and “pop a wheelie” on my Unicycle, looking at the videos on here and what these people are doing is amazing—

xamana, very humbled but wanting to improve

Hey Xamana, good to have you on the forum.

That’s one more of us and one less of them.

Thanks Gild, it is a pleasure to be here

Its so cool to see this sport taking off the way it has. You are going to dig this forum not only are the people great the forum is packed full of info and sales on good gear.


That’s an important one if you live around Lake Tahoe. All the best riding is MUni! :slight_smile: But don’t rush it. I just passed up the opportunity to ride a century around the lake last weekend–my first attempt ever–but the weather forecast was foreboding. I’ve switched to a Sept. 11 ride being organized by the same outfit. No, I don’t recommend that for you, but you could set as a goal to ride a piece of it. :slight_smile:

For crotch comfort, nothing beats a decent pair of bike shorts. If you don’t like the way they look, wear them under a pair of regular shorts and no one will know. But that padded crotch is always the best starting point for unicycling comfort. Then make sure your seat is high enough, which is a common mistake for new riders. But then again you’re not a new rider you’re a returning one.

For riding on pavement, the basic setting is to put your heel on the bottom pedal, and your knee should be almost all the way straight. But ride with the balls of your feet on the pedals.

I occasionally organize rides in the greater Sacramento area, sometimes as far up as Tahoe in the summer, and have an email list for when I’ve got something going you’re welcome to join by sending me an email (address below). Also I’m probably organizing the California Mountain Unicycle Weekend this year (can’t get anyone else to do it this time :slight_smile: ), so that might be interesting to you by this fall. If only as a chance to meet some more of us forum peoples.

Get out and have a great time! Don’t overdo it, but don’t give up. :smiley:

John, thanks for the suggestions, I will look for the cycliing shorts soon, I think I could go a mile now, but probably would be in agony lol


Hello xamana,
Like others have said, sounds like a familiar story. I was 12 when I started riding my brothers chromed Schwinn and rode it till I was 17. Used to ride around the block repeatedly and even road in a parade once. Great memories. One day the crank gave out and the poor uni was cast aside like so many of our old toys.
Like you, I have wanted another for 40 years. Mine won’t be arriving till Friday but I’m anticipating the same results you achieved. I’m gonna glide up one my new companion and ride away. I have no doubt about that at all. Confidence-perhaps…but more a sense of belonging up there. Free to express myself, once again, on my favorite form of transport-a unicycle.
Like you, I road the streets. Now I want more. I’m hitting the trails (slowly at first and a little sore in the saddle, perhaps) but my heart will race again with the joy that I always felt when I had a uni underneath me.
And to all you other uni enthusiasts, thank you. Thank you for support, your feedback and encouragement. I can not wait to get back in the saddle again.

Well said. That articulates perfectly what I feel every time I get on my uni. I’m sure tomorrow won’t come soon enough for you, awaiting the delivery of a big box with a piece of uni heaven inside. Just curious, where did you order your Nimbus Oregon from?