Hey pimp, got any SUper Pick up Lines!!!

I’m just kidding I’m actually the guy with purpleish uniform with the volcan hand signal. I tried to get credit for andy’s beauty.


Wow, I’m glad you clarified that. I had just been thinking that the guy in the aqua uniform looked like a dork, which of course is not the case with most people that dress up in their Star Trek outfits and hang out together. Glad to hear that he’s not really you, since I had been about to mis-judge you and have now luckily avoided that. The purple guy with the volcan (sic) hand signal…much less dorky. In fact, you look out of place with that crowd.

Here’s mine.

I have two 20 inch bests you can ride, one of them’s a unicycle.

Another I know.

Are you a virgin?

( providing answer is no )

Prove it!

I’m a stud eh.

I bet you I could take your woman from you in a second ethel, if you had a girlfriend, well if you liked girls. Just kidding.

I like the virgin one, I’m stealing it arg.

Logan of the 7 sees.