hey....I'm on TV

Well I just had to outdo Chosen and his front page newspaper article, so I did this.

Just kidding. That had nothing to do with it.
Here’s the story…: this weekend my dad went on a business trip to Billings MT, and my brother and I went with him. There’s some awesome places to muni up on “the rim” right above the city, and we know some people there who uni. Unbeknownst to me, my dad called the local TV station and set up an interview thing.

Here’s the short news story they did. Like most/all tv reporters, they cut it as short as possible, and the part they interviewed me they left out most of it, so what I say makes NO sense. Seriously, I cringe and groan everytime I watch it. Here’s the link: http://www.kulr8.com/index.php?StoryID=14881 wince

Not only that, but they managed to misspell AND mispronounce my last name.

Nice clip i see what you mean by shortend.


It doesn’t help either that they called the story Special Unicyclist and then referred to the Special Olympics. :wink:

nice man! cool to see other riders gettin’ that exposure. but still…you had to outdo me…im bitter:p

Cool stuff…your part was a bit short, yeah, but still, cool.

your voice is different then i thought it would be…

hey thats cool, it may be a bit of a short clip but at least you got on TV!:smiley:

That’s pretty awesome

haha cool that was forrest



to abvoe post… well you seen ive beenaround these parts for a while now… and forrest and i got into MR around the same time… and we basically stayed together with post till 2000… so you see we go way back… and not only did i see forrest but i heard him talk… so it was cool… you get me forrest? or is this a one sided thing :slight_smile:


to abvoe post… well you seen ive beenaround these parts for a while now… and forrest and i got into MR around the same time… and we basically stayed together with post till 2000… so you see we go way back… and not only did i see forrest but i heard him talk… so it was cool… you get me forrest? or is this a one sided thing :slight_smile:


Yeah…except I sound like a dork :roll_eyes: and I make no sense… haha.

Oh well.

Very cool.