ok so i have around 200-300dollars to spend on a good unicycle,i will travel medium distances with it(about 4k from my house to school) i would also like to be able to jump over stuff like stairs etc and do a bit of tricks( sorry for my english i am french).
could you guys please give me suggestions, also i live in canada
well a trials would be better for the trick side of things but a 29" would be better for commuting. if you want to do both with one unicycle you could get a 24" muni. you can hop with it and stuff and still commute with some speed. it wouldn’t be as good for tricks though.
if you prefer a trick unicycle i would suggest this.
i already have a 24inch norco unicycle but its not very good to do tricks…but good for riding,so im basically searching for a 20inch good trials unicycle(trials is when you do street and hop over obstacles right?) and got any ideas of models i should be looking into,thanks
does this site ship to canada,quebec? and also would that bike be good if i just want to ride and jump stairs,sidewalks etc? sorry i am new to this and dont want to waste money
Yes, Street unicycling is done on a trials unicycle. It is the canadian Unicycle online shop so I think it ships to there, but im not sure (i live in us).
Also if you have a little extra money you may want to upgrade thae cranks to Kris Holm (KH) Moments. Size 125 or 137.
since you live in canada you would want to order from the canadian unicycle.com. since you want to do trials and tricks i would highly suggest this. upgrading the cranks to kh moments will give you a super strong uni at an affordable price. the length of the cranks all depends on what you prefer. some people like 125s and some like 137s. it’s up to you.
It helps you with flip tricks and also helps you go faster. You don’t have to get them right away though. I just got mine a month or 2 ago. Its a significant difference over my 140’s.
You could also get this one. Its more of a street uni and comes with 125s and a longer neck for standing tricks. It also says:Cranks: Qu-Ax Freestyle ISIS Cranks 125mm OR Kris Holm Moment ISIS 125mm. It would probably cost extra though.
i think the trials frame is better. i have a nimbus x freestyle and a nimbus 26" muni so the frames i have are similar to the ones you are looking at and i prefer the trials frame.