Hey every one just got my unicycle and iv riden for a day know im doing alright i can go about 10-15feet and can almost get on my uni without any support. Oh my uni is a torker lx 20’’ is nice and the seat is very comforatable.
All I need is to get my balance and im good to go oh and one more thing puttung all your weight on the seat work great!
good job, you should start working on freemounts and once you got the riding down you should start learning to idle. once you have got that down you can start to ride backwards!
Make sure everything is set-up right, right crak on the right side, left on the left, the seat is facing the front, and the frame will say which way is the front.
Im pretty sure its set-up right already though, just to be sure =p
Make sure everything is set-up right, right crak on the right side, left on the left, the seat is facing the front, and the frame will say which way is the front.
I just bought a torker LX and a torker 16". In both cases the L and R were correct on the frame, but the “front” sticker was on the back.
Any one else had this experience?
The left pedal has some knurling on it that the right one does not have as far as I can tell.