Hey everyone,I'm Achaiah from India

hey guys and girls,
My name is Achaiah and I’m basically from south India.
In case u cant pronounce my name, dont worry, most people cant :slight_smile:
(they just call me Achu)
Anyways I’m like brand new to this community. I bought myself a 24" trainer unicycle from unicycle.com when they were in Wollongong for the uninats 2009. (thats where i am now for the next 2 yrs)
never came across a unicycle when i was back in india, was most impressed when i saw so many guys during the Uninats 09’
i just thought I’d say a big "yo ho ho " to everyone out here. not really learnt anything special on my unicycle yet other than freemounting and riding in a straight line.
was just reading through the forum, i can see that I’m going to have a great time here :slight_smile:


Welcome, Achu :slight_smile:


Thanks guys

Hey Buddy.

Happy posting.