
Yes, I thought it was cool. As unicyclist I’m often booked to create atmosphere or emotion or broadcast a message, often with a commercial reason. That’s great, but here I would be contributing decoration at the creation of beautiful memories, without being in the picture, and where the atmosphere is much closer to the essence of life.
So far I have zero bookings, but the car makes up for that :slight_smile:

The previous owner had a company in limo’s, and was driver for superstars like Madonna, Micheal Jackson, and especially The Rolling Stones.

Here's a very complete list of all the Herbie cars.

There was also one in a collection called “cars of the stars”, collected by a dentist in the UK, who sold them all in once to someone who started a museum in the US.
Not many unicycling events in Miami, that you can use as excuse to take a look at that collection.

Together with the daughter of Klaas Bil I had a performance at some special evening in the Louman Museum in The Hague.
Their large and costly collection contains also an Aston Martin of 007, and a the car of Winston Churchill.
If you ever wish to visit, then you can count on a great taxi.