Very interesting.
Why in Psychology Today? He’s a sociologist.
There is no taboo on publishing articles by sociologists in psychology press, as far as I know.
It doesn’t surprise me that you say that, Ivan the provocateur!!!
Thank you BluntRM (or Billy as the case may be) for posting that. I grew up with two parents who were Reichians and conversations about Marcuse’s ideas and others of his ilk were common in my home. I must say that reading that made me somewhat nostalgic, perhaps a profoundly ironic thing.
I think Marcuse was prophetic when he said, “The real catastrophe is the prospect of total moronization, dehumanization, and manipulation of man.”
I think bugman would agree with his comment that “the violence of aggression is different from the violence of defense not only in its means and goals but in the instinctual structure out of which it grows.”
I think in general people like Marcuse are exceptional at identifying, defining and articulating the problems. I don’t think they’re any better at coming up with solutions, though, than the average joe.
the best examples of that could be found in Big Companies internal policy: there are people that are paid to issue procedures on everything you could think of (even your private life) and there are people to apply those procedures and doing crazy things without any guilt whatsoever. What baffles me is that the results are often inefficient and cost money to that same companies but no… they just play by the rule!
The guerillas that operate inside those big companies should be the heroes of the future! there are people who open their eyes and are courageous enough to antagonize management by droïdification.
What did I do!?
Well, for starters, here you are giving support to those who smash the boundaries between two sciences, and I’ve seen you on OTHER threads…
Raphael, I saved this for you. While you were sleeping, this thread was dropping to page 3, where you never go.
As for solutions, defining and articulating the problem is an essential step, and if anything gets solved, you must give credit to the one who performed THAT step.
As for aggreession, the cat displays 2 kinds of aggression. When she stalks, with no nervous system stim, calmly quietly aggressing on her prey VERSUS when backed into a corner by, say, a dog, when it’s back is arched, hair up, teeth bared, hissing, a bundle of nervous sys activity.
In these modern times, psychologists and violence researchers (eg., Monahan) call these 2: predatory (or operant) aggression vs. affective (emotional) aggression.
Why thank you.
Ok?! Ok?!
Is that your final answer?!
It is.
Raphael is a Reichian
Chicken? You selected the tidbit about violence, not me.
and if you know anything about heredity, when 2 Reichians mate, they produce Reichians.
What’s a Reichian?
Bwawk, bwawk.
Don’t tell my brother that.
Full disclosure requires that I say that Reich spent time in prison for medical quackery.
Googel: “No definitions were found for Reichian.”
Did your parents practice sex-economy? [I saw sex-economy on the Reich website]
Was this posted by Blunt because he likes radical economics?
Is sex-economy a radical economics practice?
Wow. This thread almost got away from me.
Raised by Riechians, but why are you so paranoid?
I agree. Critical theory is… critical. It takes a Leninist to move beyond definitions and into action. It’s just like riding a unicycle: Praxis, praxis, praxis.
Who’s been saying I’m paranoid?!?!
Don’t act so paranoid, Dude.
Do you think we’re PMing each other about your paranoia? Do you think YOUR paranoia was the big topic at the last MUni event. Did you think everyone stopped talking when you arrived because you arrived? Did you do Reichian therapy naked?
By the way, when was your most recent uni ride? How are you?
We’re your friends, don’t be afraid.
Don’t act so paranoid, Dude.
Do you think we’re PMing each other about your paranoia? Do you think YOUR paranoia was the big topic at the last MUni event. Did you think everyone stopped talking when you arrived because you arrived? Did you do Reichian therapy naked?
By the way, when was your most recent uni ride? How are you?
We’re your friends, don’t be afraid.