
I am starting a new thing in my life where before I critisize someone and talk bad about things I am getting the facts.
So I am sorta interested in Hemp. What do you know about it. I read on this website that it is not the same as marijuana, does anybody know if that is true.
Also, is it illeagal to grow of not?
Well, please share any information you may have on it.

and I’m not talking about the marijuana kind.

hemp is a great plant, you can’t get high from it, but many many things are made from it, it has tons of uses

you can buy it at most craft stores

Does anyone know if it is legal to grow in the United States? and if so where I could get seeds?

i think thats what kerry is trying to do, legalize the growing of hemp or something. i have two bracelets and a necklace i made from it, unlike a lot of bracelets, hemp ones actually feel nice, and you can leave them on when you shower and stuff.

edit: just buy some from a craft store.

I just found it:
“The US Drug Enforcement Agency classifies all C. sativa varieties as “marijuana.” While it is theoretically possible to get permission from the government to grow hemp, DEA would require that the field be secured by fence, razor wire, dogs, guards, and lights, making it cost-prohibitive.”

I think hemping is a very relaxing hobby… here is a necklace ive been wearing for a few mothnes.


It’s a hobby?
What is this hemping?

You can legally grow hemp in the US. Laws vary from state to state, and THC isn’t allowed unless you have a permit. I know plenty of people who grow both.

hemping is the act of using hemp, macrameh, and other things to make necklaces, bracelets, and whatnot.

sure its a hobby, its something i do recreationally for my own plesure… isnt that a hobby?


One of the only places that ships hemp seeds to the US.

As for obtaining the seeds,
any regular marijuana seeds will do. It’s difficult to tell the strain by the way it looks - but Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica are most often the ones that are smoked, whereas Cannabis Americanus and Cannabis Ruderalis are used more for industrial purposes (mainly because they contain less THC, so aren’t as nice to smoke).

Hemp (all species of cannabis) are really great plants for just about anything. You can make rope, paper, clothing, food, and oil from it. Not nearly as much plant material is wasted in making paper from hemp as compared to trees. It takes less time to grow, and less space. I’ve heard that 2 acres of hemp can make as much paper as 10 acres of trees, but I’m not certain that it’s true (sounds good though).

It tastes good too - I like chewing the stems.

From Wikipedia

Well, I don’t want marijuana, I would rather have Cannabis Americanus and Cannabis Ruderalis. I will look into it more with my local gov’t though.

all cannabis is marijuana.

if you just want to grow it to make bracelets, necklaces and other stuff - as long as you keep the plant out of sight from the general public you should be fine.


State-by-state laws regarding the use/cultivation/posession/etc. of cannabis.

EDIT: “It’s not for everyone, but it’s not a crime.”

Trivial fact number 29 or maybe number 30.

Boiled hempseed became very popular in the 60’s in the UK with anglers using it for fishing, mainly for roach. There was some suspicion that the fish became drugged and therefore easier to catch. I am told it was actually banned from use on some rivers.
