ok i just found out about unicycling a few weeks ago and had some money lying around that i had nothing to spend on. so i was wandering what is a good street/mountain unicycle? i only have 200$ to spend so all tips are very appreciated.
well i’d say you’d be best off to get a splined torker, the DX i think it is.
splined hubs and cranks are much, much stronger than square tapered ones, and after a few months you will probably bend cranks and even your hub if you get good enough, so i’d say start off with a splined uni so you dont have to buy a new one in a while.
You can totally modify a LX for less than that. Mine sure takes a beating and holds up fine.
get a 20" qu-ax or DX
Can u ride a uni??
if you’re just starting I would suggest getting a beginner unicycle like a torker LX and then get a better unicycle later after you have beaten up the first one.
ok thanks ill do some shopping around for the ones you suggested. Also what size do i need?(im 5’9")
First off, welcome to the forums! There are loads of threads all over the forum that discuss beginer unicycles. If you do some reading around you’ll find loads of information.
Here are the main unicycles that people recomend to beginners:
here for clarification) and can not survive on drops larger than about 3 feet. It also comes in three sizes: 20", 24", and 26", so you can pick the size which will best fit the style of riding you plan to do, 20" for freestyle/trials/street, 24" for Muni (or freestyle if you are reeeally tall), and 26" for distance and general riding around.
Nimbus trials unicycle- This unicycle is made for trials and so has a very fat tire. It is a little under $200, so it is affordable for a beginner, but like the LX it has a tapered hub which will not hold up to very large drops.
Torker DX- The next step up from the nimbus, the DX is the cheapest unicycle you can buy that comes with a splined hub. It can hold up to whatever you throw at it, but there have been complaints about the frame being defective and snapping in half after a couple of months. It’s also pretty heavy compared to the more expensive models. This is a great unicycle for a beginner though, and it comes in a 20" model for street/trials and a 24" model for mountain unicycling. (EDIT: Look here too.)
Qu-ax- This unicycle is about the same quality as the DX, but I don’t think UDC (unicycle.com) sells the 20" version anymore.
Those are the cheaper models, but if you browse around the catalog at www.unicycle.com you can see many of the other unicycles that are offered. Search through the forums if you have a question, and if you can’t find what you are looking for then feel free to ask!
listen to spudman…he gave a very good summary of uni-ism.
also, i learned on a 20", but many of my friends have said it’s easier for them to learn on my 24", if that helps.