
If your the type of person thats going to laugh at me don’t read!!

okay so in a month or so we have a Xmas high school banquet and I really
want to ask This one girl to be my escort but I don’t know how and I’m too shy.
I need ideas on how to pull this off like what to say. and This is the same girl that my best friend has been wanting to ask out for like 2 years now and is to chicken to do it so is it okay for me to ask her out or should I not??

this is really important to me so please only serious answers.

go up to her and start a conversion, then just bring it up like, “oh yeah, uhm, you wanna go to (insert event here) with me?”

thats how i’d do it.

You have 654 posts under your belt and you created a thread entitled “help!”? Here’s help. Put the topic in the thread title, that’s what it’s for. Then the people who click on your thread won’t be annoyed by its content. Instead, they’ll be interested in answering your question because they already know what it is.

Hurry up, you can still change the title to something like “I want to ask a girl to my high school banquet”

oh sorry guy’s

Have a chat with her, Ask her out Like Donnie Darko did, Do you want to go?

This is some of the best advice I’ve ever read.

Make it like a 2-3 day process if you really want a high success rate. Talk to her once or twice a day. Spark conversations, find relevence between yourselves, find interestes. She will accept you. :slight_smile:

ya im not really good at the like I don’t just spark a conversation is always akward
but Ill try

Dont let it be. Work your way in smoothly. Say shes hanging out with some friends, and one of those people are your friends, just walk up and talk to them for a second. She will notice you. She most likely already knows that you like her, so you wont have a problem getting her to notice you, she will be looking in your direction.

ya im new at my school and I don’t have friend that are friend with her im kinda an out kid in school

I think the real problem here is that so many unicyclists are shy around girls.
And I have had the worst gas all night long.

your right :o

Unicycle where she can see you, but dont pay attention to her. Pretend like your in your own world, and try to do some cool stuff, but dont look agrivated because you cannot land something.

Just go with the flow, meaning, dont stress it.

this is really hard to admit but im kina sacred to unicycle in front of others like even my friends don’t know I uni:o I really need to change that;)

Why would you be afraid to tell your friends you uni?
Are they the kind of people that will say its stupid and critic you?

get some of that AXE body spray.Give yourself alittle shot of it then go talk to her! It seems to work on TV :sunglasses:

Oh, if you want some real results, use the entire can. I see that works pretty good for the guys on TV.

Sure but he better have a big stick to beat off all the other chickies,unless your like that ! :slight_smile:

You mean an axe deoderant stick, right?

(changed previous post because of innapropriateness)