Does anyone have any tips for training yourself to get your feet onto the frame and not have them fall off, another issue I have encountered is staying balanced once my feet are off the pedals.
you can check out this:
umm wheelwalking doesn’t require your feet on the frame… unless you are one footed wheel walking
Yeah I meant one footed wheel walking
Ah, that’s an important bit of info.
How are you at one foot riding? Can you keep your foot on the frame?
One foot wheel walking took me a long time to learn. Lots of practice. I found practicing in a hallway, where I could keep both hands on the walls, helped. Practicing on a slight uphill grade can help. Mostly it’s about learning foot control. How to push smoothly with a light touch. How to drag your foot back lightly. It’s something that you have to get into muscle memory so the foot learns what to do without you thinking or being conscious of it. That can take time.
One foot wheel walking also tends to be slower than two foot wheel walking so side to side balance becomes more difficult. Practice and learn to use the hips.
try going from WW into 1 foot WW. it helped me alot.
it is helping me
iam doing like 3 - 4 squishes at the tire
agreed thats the way to do it