Help with my assignment...(don't read this unless you're bored)

For a big graphics assignment we’re designing a shop, company name and logo and doing some other bits and pieces. I’ve decided mine will be a unicycle shop…who’d have guessed it? :slight_smile: We do a one point perspective, floor plan, some promotional literature, and some other things.

What does my imaginary shop need? So far I’ve come up with the following sections:

  • Cheap basic unis
  • Muni and trials unis
  • Big wheels
  • Specialty (multiple wheels, seated hand-driven uni, etc.)
  • Parts
  • A checkout
  • A small testing area with a rail for raw beginers and basic trials stuff for more advanced riders to test expensive unis.

What else do I need? Naturally I won’t have to go into too much detail with the 3D modelling of all this but we need to include a lot of sketches and reasoning about why we included each part of the shop.

The good thing is I’ll get the chance to try some fun 3D unicycle modelling. The only things I can’t imagine being able to do properly are accurate spoking, the seat, and tyre tread.

Should be good fun.


Re: Help with my assignment…(don’t read this unless you’re bored)

  • A bathroom
  • An assembly/repair area where the resident mechanic gets to stay. Need space for the workstand and all the tools.
  • Storage area for stock and for unicycles that are waiting for repair and have been finished with repair
  • Don’t forget the quality freestyle unicycles
  • A clothing section with cycling shorts, jerseys, shoes, socks, Kris Holm clothing, etc.
  • A TV showing Universe II around the clock
  • An espresso bar
  • Staff break room

Awsome…thanks guys.

*Protective gear–helmets, elbow, wrists, knees, ankles and butt.
*Hydration packs and accessories.

Re: Help with my assignment…(don’t read this unless you’re bored)

a couch where members of can sit, drink espresso and talk …mmm… ‘bat the breeze’, shall we say



Re: Re: Help with my assignment…(don’t read this unless you’re bored)

Don’t forget the wireless internet access and a few terminals to share. We can’t all be there at once.

A big front window with big neon lights in the shape of a unicycle.

Dave Lowell (uni57)

Re: Re: Help with my assignment…(don’t read this unless you’re bored)

John, wouldnt you rather have a nice tall guinness? Why cheap out with an expersso bar when you can put in the real thing.


Re: Re: Re: Help with my assignment…(don’t read this unless you’re bored)

to true,there’s nothing quite like waking up in the morning and having a steaming hot cup of Guinness…

I doult that Itemno530. We have different health regulations here for Hot Dog Stands compare to America. We did had them years ago but were ban on the streets for poor health quality. I think it was the 1950’s since the Australian Goverment ban them.

Give you a tip Andrew.

  • Buy a Multi-function Center; Printer-Copier-Scanner-Fax facilities.
  • Website
  • ABN. (Australian Business Number) Don’t forget GST. (Great Stunt Trip)
  • Registed with the Yellow Pages and the White Pages.
  • Registed with Google Search Engine if possible. (Option)

Goodluck with the business Andrew, Mine starting before Christmas or possible Next year.


Originally posted by djm

I think it was the 1950’s since the Australian Goverment ban them.

That’s incredible! In London (Ontario, Canada) they’re licensed by the city. On Friday and Saturday nights after the bars get out downtown, you don’t have to go more than a block to find one.(Or so I’m told!) It just seems like a part of downtown.

Re: Re: Re: Help with my assignment…(don’t read this unless you’re bored)

Yes I would rather have a nice pint of Guinness but getting a liquor license for a unicycle shop would be a little too much. The espresso bar idea was more of a joke, but having a little sit down area with a couch; TV playing unicycle porn, and bike trials porn; along with an espresso machine would make for a nice little social area. There are a few bike shops here in Seattle that have a couch and a sit-down area and TV (but no espresso machine cause there is always a Starbucks less than a block away). People will come by the shop just to talk bikes and socialize.

Something else that would be cool would be a shop dog running around. Has to be a well behaved dog though.

Ahh, my shop quite frequentlly has many people drinking and socializing of a bit different nature toward the end of the day before we head out on night rides arround the city.


Thanks again.

I think you may have th wrong idea about this…it’s just for a graphics assignment. I’m not really starting up my own unicycling shop although that will always be the dream. I’m only 17 you know. How are things going with your future business?


Firstly Andrew…

1: Something went wrong with me as I just had to move my dog away from the computer and the Power-boards otherwise it’s doggie heaven to Shandy. (My Whippet Dog) As I was typing that on the previous page and that’s where it end up with that. Sorry about that Andrew. I just got mad at my dog and I lost it. I keep forgetting your only 17 where my mind is 19. I Apologies Andrew, And I hope I try not to forget it next time. Try this one… Shadow Graphics of Unicycles or Gearwear. Something like that.
And as for the second question…

Ok at the moment but I just waiting 'til my girlfriend gets back from the U.S. at the moment as she had to go to her Mother’s Funeral and had to sell her mother’s house and Bringing a Car back to Australia which is a right handed side instead of left hand side. Her Mother Imported the Car to the U.S and now It’s coming back and my Girlfriend want me to have the car. It’s a Subaru I think. There will be a new thread to me in a few weeks time. I’ll keep you posted Andrew and yes I still got that shop In James Street Toronto NSW. (Australia)

See RSU Thread. Unicycle Shop.


Be sure to have a small fitting room with a mirror for people to try on clothing.
Also, I think it is a good idea to have the repair area open to the showroom. A new bike shop here has the service area behind low glass diplay cases and the guys that work on bikes can also talk to and help customers. Of course, if I was a bike mechanic I may want to be in the back where I wouldn’t be bothered.

What 3D modeling software will you be using? Modeling spokes accurately seems like a daunting task because of the spokes bending as they cross, but of course you only have to model one pair, then it’s all copy, rotate, and mirror.



I’ll be using AutoCad 2000 at home and 2002 at school. I’ll probably end up ignoring the bending of the spokes since I’ve got a lot of more important work to do and you won’t be able to notice at all when it’s printed out. Does anyone out there use AutoCad?



Yes, if you are only going for printed output, skip the details, especially if you are using AutoCAD. I learned 3D modeling using AutoCAD and it is very tedious. It is good to learn on because it will make modelers that you use later seem easy. I still use AutoCAD a little to read customer supplied drawings, but I do all of my design work in IronCAD.
Have fun with your project. If I can help you with anything email me at: scott at
