Help!! Tyring to learn to ride this thing

Progress is back to slow… I’m now at that stage that I need to learn to free mount. I know I will progress a lot more when I don’t have to keep walking back to a support. Learning continues!!

Well I’m becoming a Nascar Unicyclist - I only turn left!! I can go straight but a sweeping left turn is what naturally happens. Turning right isn’t happening at all.

My son shot this short video with his phone.

Is anything evident of what I am doing and what I should be doing? Mind you I am able to go right by doing a left 270!

Thanks in advance. Practice continues. :slight_smile:

Great job!

I too was an ambi-turner but with time and practice I overcame it. I started out doing my right turns by turning my upper torso to the right, then quickly twisting my lower half to follow. It made for choppy turns at first but thing smoothed out with time.


You, my friend, have a case of the lefts. Great video. Everyone has a dominate foot and a favorite direction to turn (especially a sharp 180) in the beginning. Your favorite direction is obviously going to be left.:slight_smile: I never bothered to learn sharp right hand turns until I learned to MUni on twisty singletrack where I had no choice. I wore a bald spot on my first 36er tire flipping a bitch on the road. Now I rotate! Don’t sweat it! Keep at it! Your almost there!

Some humor
Jerry Seinfeld: “Every time he tries to make a move, something screws up. Like on their first date, they were on the couch, but she was sitting on his wrong side.”
Elaine: “Wrong side?”
Jerry: “Yes, she was on his right side. He can’t make a move with his left hand. Can’t go left.”
Elaine: “He can’t go left?”
Jerry: “No. I’m leftie, can’t go right. What about women? Do they go left or right?”
Elaine: “No, we just play defense.”

  1. I wish I were turning 46 instead of 53. You are not too old. Look at you go. I’ve only gotten two people to learn to ride in the last three years. Everyone else gave up. I look forward to hearing how awful the Torker’s saddle is when you start riding about a mile. when you get to that point, you will be unstoppable. Congrats on your progress.

Too late! I already changed the AX seat out! What were they thinking with that little evil thing?!

Thanks everyone - back out to practice!

Thought I would add some observations on my slow progress.

As a competitive swimmer, I realized there are some similarities with learning to unicycle and learning to swim.

Stage 1
Swimming: start a couple feet from the wall and try to get to the wall.

Unicycling: try to get a couple wheel turns

Stage 2
Swimming: Swim one length of the pool but it is usually all out to get there.

Unicycling: making it 20-25’ feet on the unicycle or as long as you can hold your breath. :slight_smile: Kind of similar to seeing how far a wheel will roll unassisted

Stage 3
Swimming: You can swim a lap and wonder how in the world the others can just keep on swimming. They must have super human strength and conditioniong.

Unicycling: Making it 100’ on the unicycle with quads burning and know the others have super human strength and conditioning.

Stage 4
Swimming: Someone tells you it is 90% technique, to SLOW DOWN and concentrate on form.

Unicycling: My father-in-law tells me to SLOW DOWN and concentrate on technique. Finally able to ride distances by actually sitting on the seat with most of my weight and spinning the pedals. It finally clicked and now I can keep riding comfortably.

Stage 5
Swimming: Flip turns and smacking your feet on the pool edge or hitting the bottom of the pool.

Unicycling: Trying to learn to free mount, coming off the seat a bit and then coming back down on the seat hard and being bent over in absolute pain!!

One of the great things about Uni is that you never run out of new challenges! I can remember when I first learned how to ride and my quads burned after 100 feet or so. Glad to hear you are keeping the weight in your seat now…