Help think of a band name...

Our 5 piece jazz funk band is in the middle of recording a song (for our sax player’s recording assessment) and we don’t even have a band name yet. Any suggestions?


Time to be totally random.

Polar… from polar bears, because they’re cool. So um… then maybe something related to coldness type stuff.

Polar Zero (from sub zero?)
Polar Frost
Polar Ice Blocks In My Fridge

Dinner Plates R Us

Alright I’m just a bit weird… so I’m gonna shut up now.

Is it really???


I think the Stemoted Babyers is an awesome name!!!


No not Spoonerism, but Poonerism. A Poon is someone who goes around sniffing womens bicycle seats, I found this out when searching my friends last name on google. So poonerism would be the act of sniffing womens bicycle seats, or something. I dunno, it sounds cool.

I’d go with an inside joke. Like I’m in the Omni-Bomb Removal Men, because we somehow established it was the opposite of the unabomber.

Andy Andrew Carter and the Funkybunch. It worked for Wahlberg.


Andrew Carter and the Unoriginal Bastards


I actually kind of like that name…

The Andrew_Carter is Smarter and the Scooby-Doo Can Doo Doos

Am I the only one who read that the wrong way? :wink:

Keep 'em coming!

I kind of like ‘The Whom’, maybe as a song name. We also had Freddie Freeloader and the Short Change, and The Swinging Voters.


How about Five For Funk? 5 4 funk, five four funk…

The Funky Five

Jazz Funktory

Funky Jazz Machine

Ok, i’m done


The Funky Jazz Medina

Five Finger Funk

Syncopated Psychopaths

there a local band around here called “the 5 fingers of funk”

Whoops! I didn’t know of them. I guess I should have Googled on that name first. A little Googling shows lots of variations on that general name.

If the Psychopath thing is a little too much then how about
Syncopated Psychosis
That’s more family friendly than a band of psychopaths.

5-Piece Chicken Dinner

We Play For Pay!

How about

“Just Ausome” get it - some Ausies yeah whatever. I need to go to bed.

how bout something with ‘mylar’ in the name, it sounds super cool.

my bands name is ‘Phallic Alec and the Hairy Jerrys’. so that means it’s taken so don’t even think about using it because we already have a huge fan base and a butt-load of groupies.

I really did not need to hear that one!

I just was browsing and saw the name pop into my head.

The Bacon Stops Here


The Bacon Starts Here

And since Austrailian bacon is the biggest cut of bacon compared to American and Brittish bacon, it almost, in a nonsensical way… makes perfect sense.

ever since the scene in TOY STORY (where they try n rescue Buzz (after he fell out of the window by stringing together the monkeys to create a rope for him to climb up and it doesn’t work and i think it’s the dinosaur or mr potatohead who utters the immortal words, “Buzz, the monkeys aren’t working! We’re formulating another plan!”) myself and the drummer i used to play with have wanted to start a band called ‘Another Plan’

since our band-forming days are probably over, u’re welcome to it if it floats your boat

so far my fav on this thread is john child’s ‘Funky Jazz Medina’