Help my sister

Hey Guys,
Well, my sister has been trying so hard to win this contest for a scholorship. Its an online thing, where people have to vote for you to win, and the person with the most points or something wins it. Anyway, shes been wanting all kinds of votes, and shes in the near the top, and could really win it. So, if you guys want to do me a favour, and click this


then click vote “yes” Im sure she would really appreciate it. Theres only 2 days left for the voting.

And for some background info if anyone cares shes got a BA in Environmental Science, and almost finished an advanced degree in something that deals with mapping, and digital mapping (I cant remember the name) and is going for her Masters next year. She spends all her time studying, and not pretending to be studying like myself. Soooo, vote please??

I think you messed up the link. It sends me to video game fora.

Worked for me.

What would you do if I voted no? I didn’t! :slight_smile:

i voted. for “yes”

where does it say how many she has compared to everyone else? can you vote more than once?

should we vote no on the other people? (i did)

I dont know where you go to compare whos got what. But, shes on there all the time checking other peoples points (which shows up on the left side after you vote, and the next persons page loads) so Im trusting her shes got a lot. Someting like 240 votes this week, and its been on for 100 some days.

As for if you can vote more than once, Im not sure. I think its once a day actually.

Thanks guys. You’re all sweet.
Forrest- Id go buy human nutrition products from someone else :stuck_out_tongue:

Never mind I got it to work

I like this one… the girl has a picture of herself holding her tits and she says “i know other people desrve it, but I am a professional and I belive i deserve it even more”.

hummm- she whould have in her profile thing “will hold boobs for money”

thats basically her plan right?
humorous tho none the less

I voted yes! I hope your sister gets it, I really do =p

Yeah, claiming she’s professional with that picture and all those typos is well funny.

Voted. yes and then voted no for everyone else.
Not sure if it’ll help but it sure can’t hurt.

Thanks GILD. She informs me shes actually in first place, so the votes will help her stay there.

Some of these people can’t possibly be serious.

Hey, you can vote and then hit BACK in your browser and vote again.

Some sort of topography?

I voted for her. Sorry, Kristine, I just can’t vote against someone getting a scholarship so I didn’t enter any no votes.

haha, Thats ok. Im not asking people to vote against. Thanks tho.

i would use the auto reload, to vote for her like 1000 times, but i dont want her to get in trouble and lose it, so i will justgo there once a day

heeeeey this is kindof funny!

Koreen and Kristine!! You’re like the double-ks of koolness!

oh, and I also find it insanely amusing to say:

“Does Ms. So and so deserve a scholarship?”



But I voted yes for Koreen ofcourse… All the other ones can GO TO HELL!

that website says their goal was to collect $1m and split the money among the top 100 students, but they’ve only collected $10,000… it might pay for a book or two if she wins. i still voted for her.