Okay. My son is definitely his own boy, so to speak. he’s the one who is learning to unicycle. He’s also into superheroes, legos, opera, and ballet.
At his request, he took a 1 week dance class last summer that included modern, tap and ballet. He loved the ballet part best. I have no trouble with this, but his first grade friends are already teasing him.
I need to come up with some things to help him out. Any good lines to which he can reply to the other boys? Any self esteem-boosting praise ideas for me to pass on to my aspiring ballerino?
Thanks. Unicyclists put up with belittling crap all the time, so I figure you folks might be sensitive to this little fellow’s situation!
Well, Dude, that’s exactly what I want to do for him, but think of it this way: as member of the male gender, if your masculinity was in question would you want your mom to step into the middle and start swingin’ for you? Maybe I can just help him from the sidelines this time.
Thanks, MercyMe. I forgot Catboy was a dancer. Parenting is full of unexpected challenges.
I’ll tell him that after I’m sure he’s quick enough and strong enough to win.
Here’s a bad Podzol story: I was in 4th grade. I beat up a boy who bullied my little brother.
The bully, Scott, a big 3rd grader, had tied my bro to a swingset with a jumprope and was punching him and had trounced on my brother’s favorite stuffed animal in a mud puddle. I was also on recess when this happened and I ran to the scene. I broke Scott’s nose and glasses. I was sent home from school that day.
I don’t know aboud ‘PC’ playground justice these days. I didn’t even get in real trouble for sticking my neck out for my brother. it was the only time that happened. I suppose if I kept beating boys up it would have been a bad thing and I would have been in more trouble. Maybe everyone already knew that this Scott fellow was a bully and finally got his comeuppins.
I personnally have been dancing for quite some time now, and am apprenticed into a Professional Ballet company in Reno. Currently I do ballet over 30 hours a week(not including jazz, modern, and other stuff).
Ballet is a great way to get babes. scantily clad flexible babes, all while showing off your junk…
I wish I had started that early, if he keeps at it, he’ll be great.
There aren’t really many responses or comebacks I can give you, because I personnally have never had a real problem with it… even though a majortiy of my friends play on the varsity football team.
But have you evern noticed that football players do ballet to become stronger, but ballewt dancers don’t do football to become stronger? It’s because we dont need to… a study done in NYC this past summer tested top athletes from 20 different sports (Ballet, Fotoball, Basketball, Baseball, Biking, Swiming etc.) and Ballet dancers scored highest in stragnth, flexibility, agility, and overall fitness…
I got really sick for 2 weeks and am catching up on boring work stuff. That’s why I was posting so much, I was at home not able to do much else. When I get a chance, maybe this coming weekend, I am going to edit out the lines and send it on to refuze. Most folks liked the idea of just the writing without the lines.
That’s da scoop!
Your son sounds versatile and interesting. It sounds as if he needs no help. It sounds as if his “friends” do. I would imagine that you are extremely proud of him and rightfully so.
Ignoring bully’s was always my forte.
I find that works nicely, they get bored.
Also, just make sure he knows that people are picking on him because it makes them feel better about themselves, and they are just doing it because they dont understand etc.
That’s a good idea. He seems pretty resiliant, and almost to understand that. maybe I am being over concerned. I was good at ignoring bullies, too. Eventually I got good at befriending them in addition to everyone else. Kept things peacable.
Hey Bibble, I’ll be sure you know when the shirts are ready!
Good work. You now get a gold star as a mom and can retire to your bookbinding, boatbuilding, guitarmaking and/or cello playing.
At school I was teased about my very light skin, the fact that I wore glasses, the fact that I read books and the fact that I did well in school without too much effort. I became more reclusive than I think I should’ve and ended up being an ‘under-achiever’ for the rest of my school career and flunking out of varsity after two years.
At times when I can be bothered with ‘whatcouldhavebeens’, I’m angry about this. Most of the time I don’t particularly care cause I’m pretty happy where I am right now.
Ah, no, I see you’re not me. Those experiences took their toll on me in different ways.
Well, that’s me again.
Blake, all I can say is support your son in whatEVER he enjoys doing. Always stress the benefits, whether it’s football, theater, lifting weights, or ballet, and if he gets teased remind him, as another posted mentioned, that the teasers are simply trying to make themselves feel better about themselves.
I can only guess, but it sounds like “the school” found your actions roughly appropriate to the situation, and sent you home to fulfill the minimum requirement of disapproval for taking justice into your own hands.
Bullies only do damage when:
Everyone lets them get away with it
The victim gets upset by it
If a victim continues to get upset, and nobody stops the bully, this is where real damage can occur, to both parties.
I’m trying to think of how a 6-year-old makes fun of another 6-year-old’s ballet. No matter, they just need to know they’re not doing anything wrong, and the teasers are.
As for a comeback, football fans will appreciate that Jerry Rice is currently on the show “Dancing With the Stars”
Also, Catboy doesn’t show any indications of his ballet background when we go out for rides. Other than not falling off much.
Well im currently in 9th grade and i guess i am in the nerd category im a male i play the violin i run cross country get stright A’s and my favorite thing to do is juggle i also am not social and am proud of these things so yes im ridiculed just tell him to remember it does not matter what they think because enentualy he wll discover others with his intrests and in life will likely be more succesful than the people who picked on him.
if he sticks with ballet very long hes gonna get so rediculously strong compared to his friends that they will be scared to make fun of him… it will probobly make him an incredible unicyclist too. mad props to him for sure.