A couple of my more experienced unicycling friends trashed my 24" torker unistar recently. It is definitely time for a new unicycle but I don’t even know where to start looking. All I know is that i want a trials/muni cycle but I don’t know what brand, tire size, crank size, or where to buy it. My price range is around $250 or less and my inseem is about 30 inches give or take 3. I don’t need anything too heavy duty but I do want something that will last because I learn really fast. If anyone can help give me an idea of what to get that would be great.
Unicycle.com (UDC) is a good place to look.
For a cheap trials or muni, Look at the Nimbus unicycles with the ISIS hub. You are going to have to save a bit more for them, but they are worth it.
One thing to look at, is if you want to do more trials, or more Muni. You can do both styles on both unis (trials uni and a Muni) but of course, the trials uni will be better for trials, and not as good at muni, and the muni will be better for muni and not as good for trials.
The Nimbus has an option of changing from the stock cranks to KH cranks. You can buy the uni with the cranks, or because you said you are still learning, you could keep the stock cranks on, then later upgrade to the KH moment cranks.
Also, I see that the 24" Qu-Ax is on sale for $280+shipping, and that is also a great uni to use.
When you decide what to get, don’t lend it to your more experienced unicycling friends.
Unicycle threads belong in the unicycle forum, Rec.Sport.Unicycling, mmm-kay?