how do I get the cranks off my torker LX?

you need a crank extractor like this.

remove the petals, take the dust cap off, remove the bolt or nut holding the crank on, screw in the extractor then turn the handle.

thanks alot.

Your lips are like petals… bicycle petals.

help yourself, next time put your question in the thread title and more people will come give you useful advice.

No, don’t. If your thread title makes sense we cannot mock you.

Seriously tho, please make sure you make your thread title as descriptive as you can.

“How do I remove cranks from a Torker LX?” would be perfect.

Even better to put the unicycle thread in RSU. Now if you were asking how to get the crank arms off your bike…

If you’re just removing the cranks, you probably don’t need to remove the pedals. But pedals are easier to remove with the cranks on so if you’re swapping cranks and pedals, remove away.

on removing pedals

I say remove the pedals because then you can spin the crank extractor without the pedal getting in the way.

I guess if you have petals you could remove those too.:o

Fair enough. I use a crank extrator like this with a small crescent wrench so I didn’t consider the pedal may get in the way.

That’s a good way of doing it. :smiley:

Be nice he’s a:


That needs to be posted in all newbie threads :stuck_out_tongue:

I will ensure it it :sunglasses:

+1 :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: