Hi! My boyfriend is crazy about motosport… He spend more time with motorbike, then at home. He have a birthday in June. If i present him some site (template for web) will he more time spent at home?
And may be somebody know where is possible find good templates (about sport, of course!)
My boyfriend’s crazy too. I think he thinks he’s a chicken. Also, I think he’s gay.
why have you picked a uni form?
are you?
Am I what?
He is not gay))) I am shure ;)))))
I guess my present’ll change his hobby))))))
Edit: do you want to ask me out?
ah makes sence now, you got him a uni right?
may be I’ll present him template about camping))) Without any biks))) Only nature and… nature!!!
But I need template))))))))
This thread is confusing.
Do you want him to switch from motocross to homepage tweaking or something like that? I don’t get it.
How old are you? And him?
He’s addicted to a very dangerous sport. A deadly sport. You need to gather all the people who love him and tell him the effect his addiction to this deadly activity has on them: Mom can’t sleep nights since he got addicted, he’s spending all his money and time on it. Etc
You want him to be crazy about you, not motosport. You are much safer.
I think it’s rather good idea to keep your boyfriend at home. But maybe you should go in for some other kind of sport together, f.i camping or fishing. It’s also good and less dangerous.
I just got a very bright idea! Get him hooked up on heroin!
He is not a gay? but he make love with his bike!!!
As for the templates, recently I’ve come across to such site /www.templatesflow.com/index.php?osCsid=f6474f7cec3744e163ecad0b688b94d4
May be you’ll find something interesting;)
O Yes! less dangerous and more pleasant)))