My name’s Jack and I’m a university student writing a paper on how people come together and share common interests on forums. I read and post on lots of forums myself, and have found it really interesting how people learn about and teach each other things that would be very difficult to learn in real life.
I’m curious about what the internet’s going to mean for niche hobbies like unicycling, and would really appreciate it if you could take five minutes to answer some survey questions for me about your experiences learning things on the forum, and what role unicycling has in your life.
I’m interested in how everyone uses the forum, so even if you only just casually read the forum or don’t post much I’d still love to hear from you.
It’s completely anonymous and voluntary of course. If you can help me out or would like to know more, instant message me or just reply in this thread… Thanks!
1) I don’t see it as something that requires showmanship. Just go out and have some fun unicycling. 2) I don’t what it is, but people to get scared when i unicycle either by myself or with friends and i never understood why??
Biggest thing for me is that I met people that I could ride with. Meeting other bikers/joggers where one lives is pretty easy, if you don’t know one you can sit on the street for a few minutes. Finding unicyclists is a bit harder, unless you take the Montoya approach of asking everyone you meet, “I do not mean to pry, but by any chance do you happen to unicycle?”
Combine the forums with youtube, and you get inspiration from other’s videos
Forums are great! We can talk about unicycling with other riders, get tips and give tips on riding and matinence, read write-ups about people’s rides, watch videos, get to know lots of other riders and also meet up with them so we don’t have to ride by ourselves all the time.