i need to isolate the bass and drum line from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song. i would dop it my self but dont have the software or the knowladge to, so if someone could do it for me it’d be great!!!
Man i could do it for you if a managed to get the time. Maybe tommorow i can give it a go. I am flat out working all today but tommorow i have a 2 hour break between radio and Kmart
although i have to find a copy of the song i should have it somewhere.
i probally should have put in that i need it by tomorrow morning:o its for a friend who has to have that beat to do a project for thier english class. thanks though
Sorry man, I could do it tonight, but my girlfriend has just come out of hospital and i will be visiting
The easiest way to do it would be to download a version of adobe auditioner through such a program as limewire… it doesn’t take long to learn and you may just be able to do it through there. but shh, it is not much legal.
I can do it for you if you want. Just send me the song.
Didn’t Saturday Night Live do a skit about this? Something about the Bass-O-Matic? Wouldn’t that work?
There is no way to completely isolate one part of a song from a stereo track. You can try to minimize the other instruments the best you can, but you will always have a little bit of everything in the mix. Once things are bounced to stereo there are only 2 channles. Everything either goes into 1 or 2.
The only way to truly do this is to either, get the copy of the original individual tracks from the artist OR,
Sample out the parts that are just the bass line and loop them.
It is possible,
i still have not got my head around the whole process, the production manager here can do it, as i have had him do it for a few promos i wanted backings for.
Catch a bass, remove the hook and drop the bass, that’s the whole bass, into the Bass-O-Matic 76, now adjust the control dial so that that bass is blended just the way you like it. Yes, it’s just that simple.