HELP! have you seen these!

I am looking for a pair of gloves that until last week were available from danscomp. The brand is mosh ant they are the mosh digital gloves. If anyone has a pair they want to sell or knows where I can get tham please let me know.


You don’t have to post in every forum, jeez…

no, just 3 of them to get some attention.


Actually, it was four. What thread should we write then? You’re gonna have to check them all regularly. You brought this on yourself:p

i’m fine with that, i’m here all the time anyway.

You should go ride. Mhm.

I did a few searches, and I have only found one picture.

Yeah, i found that too, but no one seems to habe them for me to order.

I should not be allowed to type this early.

You need them for unicycling, right? Buy KH Pulse gloves instead. Yours on the pic don’t seem to have wrist protection

Eh…pulse gloves are ok…I personally wouldn’t recommend, they’re just too bulky and really hot. Maybe good for low-temperature muni/distance or something, but I’ve only used mine once, just to try them out.

I just wear cheap LBS gloves, like these:

And they work fine. For the longest time, I just used weight-lifting gloves, and the only reason I tossed them is cause they got so stiff from sweat and use, and they shrunk. All gloves should really do, IMHO, is cover your palm and the base of your fingers for hopping.

I appreciate you guys responding, but I posted this for a reason, I ONLY WANT THE MOSH DIGITAL GLOVES. I have tried many others and these are the only ones I really like. Thanks for the help guys, but I’m trying to find someone who has these or knows where I can get them.