Help generating a vector image

Hi Graphics savvy unicyclists
Attached is am image I drew and scanned of a mountain lion perched on a unicycle seat. I’d like it to end up as a black and white profile of this image on a mountain unicycle for use on a website for our unicycle club, the wobbling lions.

Can anyone help me?

I’d do it but I have to go out of town tomorrow and wont have computer access.


Ill do it for you tonight when I get home. EPS format alright?

Pardon ignorance…

Thanks, Catoboy. :slight_smile:

How’s this?

Do you want us to add the unicycle too?

(catboy may be able to do a better job)

Here you go, with and without a GB4 handle.

(nice drawing, btw)

This was a 5-10 minute attempt. I’m sure someone can clean 'em up and make 'em look spiffy.

Well, I’m sure catboy can post it in a vector image format. :wink:

Here is a jpeg preview and .EPS Vector image.

Wow! THis is so great!

Seager I really like the scale of the muni, and the GB4 handle, it Balances the tail compositionally.
Catboy, I like how clean the image looks. Any way we can combine the two qualities.

Itlooks fantastic!!

Well, I can “saveas” an EPS file in photoshop, but it doesn’t look nearly as clean as catboy’s. Maybe he can clean up my image like he cleaned up yours.

How did you do that, anyway, catboy?

catboy that is poor vectoring, you can smooth that out biatch :stuck_out_tongue:

Pen tool in illustrator?

pen tool in photoshop

So I’d pretty much have to trace the entire thing in a photoshop pen?

Anyway, whatever happened with this? Are you using it in a website?

I was hoping to hear from Catoboy again.

What I will do, is use photoshop to cut and paste your Muni on his cougar and I will be very happy!

It will be on the Wobbling Lions website, that’s our new Central PA wobble.

Thanks for your help. Let me know if either of you would like credit on the website. I like to spread it around!


The long-awaited results

I have the image up on my club’s new website!
Thank you Catboy and Seager. I like the way it looks.

Fancy that. Nice website.