Help! Can't see photos in the gallery

I’ve just been trying to look at photos in the gallery, but found that none of them are appearing.

I get everything else on the page, but no photos, the caption just sits at the top of the page the photo should be. Occasionally a thumbnail actually does appear, but when I click on it I just get a big caption.

Does anyone know why this is happening, and how I can fix it?


maybe try here?

-shifty eyes-
or here

Bah, it’s not looking good.

I did try the search function, couldn’t find anything. It seems to be an unusual problem.

I posted in here, not the admin forum because I don’t think it’s purely a problem with the site. On other computers I can see the photos no problem, and I can see photos on other sites on my computer, it’s just photos on the galleries here that I can’t see.

pm Gilby…I doubt he has enough to deal with

How’s that going to help if the answer is unknown? Anyways, I’m guessing it’s a character set problem.

Why did you post…

OK, now I’ve tried changing the character set options in IE but it didn’t work.

I also thought it might be a problem with IE, so I downloaded Firefox and tried to look at the pics with that. It didn’t work either though, the page looks exactly the same with Firefox as it did with IE. I’m still getting the odd thumbnail showing, maybe one on every second album page, but I can’t see any full-size pics at all.

Cheers for all the suggesstions anyway, at least now I know what it isn’t.

If youhave any internet firewalls or security programs, disable them.

It worked!

I’d already checked the firewall and I knew it wasn’t that, but adjusting some of the other security settings sorted it out.

Cheers Gilby, I’m now a happy Ape:D

because it had been up for a while, and no one had posted
…why did YOU post?