do you guys wear helmets alot or just when you ride hard stuff or when you are learning…
i value my brain.
I wear a helmet whenever I ride on the highway, If I could find a helmet that is actually comfortable I would wear one every time I ride.
I have only ever actually hit my head doing steep downhill stuff in the winter. I don’t think that there are many falls that are a risk to your head in the learning process but a helmet is never a bad idea.
I only wear a helmet when I’m gonna try stuff like stair sets, 180s down things, and when I try to glide.
I dont wear a helmet on things that might only scrape up my legs, because helmets make my head all sweaty.
I have one, but NEVER wear it. Last time I did was months ago. Now I am wearing my shin guards less and less also. I guess I have a funky shaped dome and not one helmet fits right… It is a good idea to wear one though.
I wear a helmet for Coker riding because I’m mostly worried about accidents caused by someone running in to me. For example a car hitting me at an intersection or another cyclist hitting me on the trail. Falls caused by a collision can be uncontrolled and I just might hit my head on the ground (or some other object) with enough force to do permanent damage to my brain. I’m not so much worried about falls caused by my own clumsiness cause I don’t ride at racing speeds on the Coker or push my speed limits.
I wear a helmet for muni and trials because falls with that sort of riding can be uncontrolled and there are often objects like rocks, stairs, ledges, and other things that are a prime target for a head strike.
I sometimes wear a helmet for freestyle riding if I’m learning a new skill like wheel walking where I might lose control and have an uncontrolled fall. But once I learn the skill, or am comfortable with my skill, I do away with the helmet.
sweet. do you guys have any experience with this helmet???
i always wear a helmet. for buying a helmet, i highly recommend trying some on at your lbs, because unless you have had the exact helmet you are ordering, it may not fit right. everyones head is a different shape and helmets can be hard to order, due to this. i have ordered many helmets from online and sent ALL of them back, and gotten one from my lbs every time. i go through at least one helmet every year, i split the foam in my last one:o .
GREAT… i just ordered the one above…i hope its good.
The only time I wear one is once or twice a year when I’m biking on a highway. Other then that… never. I hate my helmet and it isn’t comfortable. If I could find one that fit me nicely and was comfortable, I would wear it, but only for more dangerous things.
you may have luck…and i hope you do! i am very picky about shoes and helmets, it just seems nothing ever works just right. i hope your one of the ppl that everything works smoothly for;)
i dunno im crossing my fingers though…im ususally pretty good about that kind of stuff as long as its not way off…
Honestly the helmet doesn’t matter. Helmets are mostly the same thesre days with the modern technology we have. Yes, more expensive helmets will protect you better. However, you don’t need a $220 carbon fiber helmet. Any $20 lid will work just fine. Sure you may go without one all the time and only hit your head once every five years, but that one time is all it takes.
I know I sound like a nerd, but seriously. Just wear a helmet. What’s the worst that could happen if you wear one? Someone makes fun of you? Someone who probably couldn’t get on a unicycle and ride 2 feet if his life depended on it.
Protect yourself.
I really don’t care what people think at all. If I did I would not be the only serious juggling and unicyclist which I am. It is just a pain to carry a helmet around with me all day long and it is very uncomfortable to wear. That is why I quit wearing my shin guards all that much really. I am just to lazy and have that attitude it will not happen to me, even though I know it can happen. No lids fit my dome right anyways, they slide around and just get in the way.
Helmet always. It keeps my hair out of my eyes lol.
I wear helmets when riding my unicycles. I needed 1 of these when i was attempting my coker speed record. So a helmet is a must for me regardless.
I never wear a helmet whilst unicycling i find then to get in the way…i only wear a helmet when i come out of the bush after mountainbiking and thats because the cops buzzed me last time i went…
i wear a multi-impact for muni and trials (where i expect to hit my head occassionally), and a bike style helmet for coker and cross country (where hopefully i never will). For hockey freestyle and cruising I don’t wear one. My multi-impact is scratched to hell all over the top from falls, hate to think what state my head would be in wihtout it.
I wear a helmet
- Where I live its the law.
- Helmet light attached
To be honest I don’t feel the need to wear one and if I fall it will be on my knees, hands (not my head).
Like others it makes my head all sweaty.
But since I’m a dad and want to lead example to my kids riding bikes, I wear one.