Hells Yea

ok YO

Re: Hells Yea

Great, now not only is unicyclist not plural, but also it’s spelled wrong!!

PS Your threads are almost as bad as Logan_A.'s.

Re: Re: Hells Yea

Maybe he meant “the un-cyclist is coming”. Like some guy who is not riding a cycle is coming.

Re: Re: Hells Yea

I was actually just gonna say that.

Re: Re: Hells Yea

Logan’s were much more entertaining, and weren’t always labeled, Ohmygod, or hells ya. At least logan had some originality.

Re: Re: Re: Hells Yea

True. I’m almost starting to miss the little guy. :frowning:

Nah I’m not.

ok after you guys are done beatign me down id liek to say go fuck yourselves

I would, but that’s a physical impossibility. Sorry.

where do these guys come from?

I don’t wanna know…

does this guy actually unicycle?

i would imagine so, he’s been a member since march. owning a uni doesn’t constitute instant maturity…unfortunately

Or any maturity for that matter.

children shouldnt cuss!! someone should wash out your mouth!! haha

Wash it out with poop.

i thought the Poopsmith didn’t talk

I thought Eh Steve was a cliche that could only say “Eh! Steve!”

don’t forget he’s taken wheelchairs

ill get you eh steve if its the last thing i dooooo!!!

don’t worry Poopsmith, Eh! Steve will get what he deserves