
Hello my name is Sigfried Allstorm and I’ve been unicycling about eight months I got my unicycle as a Christmas present and found hints and tips on this site. Thank you.

Welcome to the forums!

You’re are very welcome and welcome to the forums friend. :smiley:

If you need any help, feel free to ask me or any of the kind peoples on here. :smiley: :smiley:

Your new friend. :smiley:

That’s one more of us and one less of them.

Welcome to the fora.


Who’s them

people who unicycle and people who dont i think thats wat he means

us is well us… and Them is those who are not of the enlightened one wheeled kind…

I wish my name was Siegfried Allstorm. I would probably adopt a fake French of German accent. That’s right ladies: you know you’d want a piece of that.