Hi nathan,
I was trying to work out if it was just you on time lapse in the picture (three times) or your 1 of triplets or your family are really into blue jeans blue tops and black shoes… and oh yeh! nice fence, by the way
For anyone interested, I had my camera on a tripod, took 3 seperate photos, all with the same static background, then photoshopped the second and third photo onto the first.
and I asked Cindy Lauper, she said she doesn’t want it back, so it’s mine for keeps.
Samia… you tink I’m lovely? Brings tears to my eyes, really. It does :)
Hi there nathan. A lot of ppl seem to really like ur fence. i on the other hand admire those pretty looking bricks, so nice bricks nathan. Welcome to the boards and enjoy! (Try not to get confused with the uni lingo because too much at once can be quite the freight. Which u’ve probably witnessed already)
Yeah, ummm. Whose your decorator? Do you have some shots of the patio at different times of the day. You know, I’d like to get a feel for the space. I’m kind of torn between putting up a sun porch or an arbor. Maybe your decorator would have some ideas.
Dude, the wig is now; it’s totally happenin’. My wigs always get a musky odor that attracts cats. How do you prevent that?