
good idea

Hey Gilby, if you can’t seem to finish off all those shrimp, I’ve got some lonely shrimp sauce in my fridge that could use some real meaning in life.

What the heck?


I’m not sure I like what the back side of my head is doing.

HAHAHAHA!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I flipped it upside down,but I didnt get ALL the frames flipped…and why isnt it still spinning?oh well haha.

i have a belly button

Jethro has his rather low…

are you sure?

no, hes not

I guess that’ll work… though my freezer already has a few bags of frozen cooked shrimp.

Cool, that means I get to eat amanda. :slight_smile: Yum.

what???!!! :astonished: :thinking: :astonished:

you see what you got yourself into :roll_eyes: ? You posted something daft, on a forum full of unicyclists… We’re all nutters you know, we always take it way too far.


P.S. If anyones popping down the shops today I wouldn’t mind a packet of maryland cookies. My multipack ran out earlier on…

I’m not going anywhere right now, but I’ve got a few maryland cookies left here that you can pop round and borrow. Of course, like anything else I lend out, I’d like them back when you’ve finished with them.


Sorry, Cathy, if you want second dibs on them just ask Loosemoose to pass them on when he’s had a go of them.

Hadn’t heard of Maryland Cookies before so I had to look them up. Says they’re the UK’s best selling cookie brought over from America in 1959. And to think I missed it even after living three years in Maryland.