Hello world...

Hello everyone, I’m very very new here. I’ve been a unicyclist stuck with the same damn beginners unicycle for entirely too long (7 going on 8 years to be honest), and I need opinions on what to purchase next. But aside from that, it’s good to find a place I can learn how to do new tricks such as one-footed riding and such. I’m happy to be here! :slight_smile:

Hey welcome to the forums, if you want a better unicycle go with something with a splined hub. If i had a choice i’d get a kris holm unicycle.

another one, which is cheap and good for learning tricks, on is a Torker LX 20’ offf of unicycle.com

Yeah, I’ve had another guy recommend the torker LX 20, But I was kinda hopeing for something like a freestyle with a 24" tire, as those are a lot of fun to ride. However, money isn’t really the issue here, so anything under about 500$ is okay.

It depends on what type of riding you want to do, really.

Made a more dedicated post about this in another forum…

main( ) {
    printf("Hello, world!");

THANK YOU! :smiley:

I was hopeing someone would get that! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Kris Holm unicycles are the go, i suggest getting a 24" for MUni and commuting and a 20" for trails, freestyle and street

function main() {
    echo("Hello, world!");

It was the reason of my click

I got that instantaneously. I thought – this guy must be a programmer! :slight_smile: What a magnificent first post. I with I had thought of that. :slight_smile:

I’m a little nostalgic…

10 PRINT “HELLO, WORLD!”; CHR$(13); CHR$(10)
20 GOTO 10

and then you hit CTRL-C when you’re tired of it.

^^^^^^^^^6the above posts I dont understand


Whenever someone learns a new computer programming language, the first program they write has to be a simple one – because they are new to the language. So, people usually write a program that simply displays “Hello, World!”

It’s kind of like a tradition. You actually have to learn a lot of stuff before you can even do something that simple. You have to install and configure the developer tools (editor, compiler, debugger, etc). You have to know the language (a little bit of it). You have to know how to compile and link the program. And then run it. It’s a big step to get all that working. Even if you know the language, “Hello, World!” is still a good first program, because it makes sure everything is installed, configured, and working properly.

Apothem’s first post said “Hello world…” – similar to a first program that says the same thing. Very clever and fun, if you are a computer programmer.

John Childs wrote a hello world program in a programming language called C.
Leo wrote it in PHP.
And I wrote it in a very old language called BASIC.

Edit: my program loops forever, endlessly printing out “Hello, World!” on the screen, so squirrel told us to hit Ctrl-C to stop it.

Yes, we are nerdy, but it’s so much fun to be a nerd.

You darn programmers… you got me interested again.

After reading this I had to go exploring in my old QBASIC programs that I wrote in freshmen year. After looking back on them, I was pretty clever. I found tons of graphics programs that I wrote, spinning dna strands, bouncing objects, fallings snow (that rolls off of slants and sticks to flat areas!), a flying-through-space screensaver, a cool font program, the list goes on forever.

Ooh, scrabble word finding program! Neat…

I, too, always associate the phrase “hello world” with learning new languages and just assumed that’s what this thread was about (well, it is now, but originally) :wink:

On a side note to the programmers here…

Hi Apothem! I’m in a similar situation to you! Had my first training unicycle for a similar numner of years and now it’s time to roll on. Money is an issue for me unfortunately but I’ve got my eyes on a 24" Muni - the wider tyres are great :slight_smile: I managed to bunnyhop with a heck of a lot more ease when I borrowed Mike Penton’s Muni than I have ever had with my anorexic one. I look forward to my new unicycle as soon as I save up enough!!

Do you mind is I ask which country you’re in?

(and I remember Basic! I made a riddle asking program with it once ;))

Equivalent for both Python and Perl:

print “Hello World”


Very much depends what you want to do.

After my training unicycle, I bought a 29er so that I could ride to work and back using it - I like to unicycle as much as possible, so it’s handy to have the extra speed.

Whether you want a bigger wheel, bigger tyre, splined hub, etc is determined by what you wanna do. So what kind of riding are you into?

Also, how much riding can you do? There are a lot of things you can learn, even with just a standard no-brand unicycle. And of course you can do cheap upgrades, like changing the crank length, tyre, pedals, seat, etc.

My first upgrade was to change the cranks for shorter ones - extra speed, and I don’t hit the ground when cornering so easily.

You’re lucky. The programs that I wrote my freshman year (high school) are in Applesoft BASIC and hidden away on floppy disks that only an Apple ][ can read. They might as well be encrypted because I have no way of looking at them now. Oh well…

I just found a programming language called Kid’s Programming Language (KPL). Looks really neat based on the description. Haven’t tried it yet. Looks like it would be a good language to use to learn the basics about programming. I’ll have to give it a spin soon just for kicks.

The first “fun” programming language I played with was LOGO back in the Apple ][ days. Way more fun than BASIC. LOGO can do a lot. I did one of my LISP programming assignments in LOGO just for kicks. LOGO does lists.