Hello, i'm new.

I belong to a circus group dominated by unicyclist. We have all be unicycling for a long time. We like to dance together, i’ve heard of uni hockey teems. But does anyone know of uni dance clubs/desplay teems?


Re: Hello, i’m new.

sorry max, this one flew right by me
welcome to the forum

i’ve only heard of uni-dancing teams
i think there probably are more groups who would call themselves ‘uni-display teams’ and here i’m thinking about teams/clubs who do quite a bit of parade-style work
i’m hoping that some people who do this kind of thing will see this thread the second time around and share some of what they’re doing

Hi Max,
I’m going to guess that you belong to Alberts in Hammersmith? Welcome to the forum.
i’m also going to guess that what you call unicycle dance is probadly pretty much like freestyle unicycling. There are also people who enjoy unicycle chelidh danceing, or barn dancing. These kind of dances happen at some uncicycle or juggling meets and conventions. There are alos a few uni disply teams but they tend to be more trials riders like the cumbria club and the stockton trials boys.

In the Uk there are a few clubs that do unicycle group routines , mainly youth circus groups. There are also individuals who like freestyle unicycling and have created solo or pairs freestyle routines. For the last two years there has been a British Freestyle competition at the British Unicycle Convention. There will be another at BUC2005 , see http://www.unicycle.org.uk/buc12/ for details.

If your intersted in how a freestyle routine is judged in the British Competition take a look at
which is the rules from the 2004 comp, this was a solo and pairs comp. the hall was not huge and no one asked if they could enter a group routine. However if you and friends were coming to the 2005 BUC and wanted to enter a group routine in the freestyle comp you could always ask, I expect it would Ok so long as you could fit in the space avalible! Or if you are able to come on your own ( or with parents) you could put together a solo routine and enter on your own.

I hope to meet you some-time.