[I]Hope this is the right place…
Just wanted to make an entrance topic…hoping this doesn’t count as spam or something haha.
Well hi everyone! ^^
Little bit about me: Never ridden a unicycle in my life (oh the horror…), but I’m hoping to buy one soon! I’m semi-obssessed with them…if that’s possible <.<
Just wanted to join this site in advance and get to know a few people (in a non-stalkerish way @@). Hopefully pick up some tips here and there and just get in on some convos. I love biking/exercise in general and hope that I’ll be able to say the same about unicycling very soon. :)[/I]
If you ever need any help, feel free to ask almost any member of the forums, they’ll be more than happy to respond.
Before you make threads asking unicycling questions, it’d be best to use the “search” function, on the dark blue toolbar, to see if there are already threads/posts answering your questions.
Good luck with learning to uni! Be sure to check the Tutorial Sub-Forum on the main forum page, it can offer endless help for learning.
Howdey there!
One more of us, one less of them. as the saying goes around here.
If you need any help this forum is the place to be! (except you may want to ask for help in Rec Sport Unicycling because some people may get antsy otherwise )