Hello everybody !! We are new to joining this site, and I say we because it is my two sons and the oldfart, Me. The tallent and Knowledge on this site has helped us through an interesting learning experience over the last 6 months. We started with a 20" Yaabaa and now have two more K1’s so one each, its a great experience and only gets better. Anyway we are a duel nationality family living in the Camargue National Park in the south of France. Its flat here, it’s like Norfolk or Holland with sunshine.
So I am glad to finaly pluck up the courage to introduce myself and hope to continue to benifit from this community.
welcome =D
Howdy, With all that flat land maybe time to do some distance ridding.
That’s about all we have in Texas:D
Bon Soir
Your in the right place. The kind folks here have been very helpful to me as well. Welcome aboard. Keep us posted on your progress.
Indeed, a great place to learn and share. Welcome to this crazy world!!
Thanks for the welcome and as all three of us are noobies I think we will profit a great deal !!
That’s three more of us and three less of them.