Hello all

Hey fellow unicyclist,

My name is Andy, I have been riding my unicycle for about two years. I just found out about all these exotic and mildly entertaining tricks and spinning and all those fancy things you bucks seem to be doing. Its all quite alluring. This seems to be a very nice place with some very funny and accepting people. I hope I don’t cause too much forum drama seems as to have I’ve been taking enlargers for my very small “e-genitalia” and noticeably so. Hi :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums! We`re glad to have another one of us on board.

After just three posts, I dislike you already. Welcome.

Understandably so. Im getting the vibe that swearing is looked down upon, so apologies to everyone for some words Ive let loose. Thanks for being gracious about not liking me uni57 :slight_smile:

Apology accepted(by me at least) and welcome.

One more of us, one less of them

Okay, I didn’t actually dislike you. Just your language.

Let’s start over. Welcome to the forums! Cool user name. What does it mean?