So I got the Hellgate: London BETA right now from a friend who doesn’t have a decent internet connection to play it.
I was playing, running through the streets of London slicing and dicing some monsters into little chunks of meat, when I noticed… A Giraffe Unicycle! I thought… whoa that is weird…
I spent about 5 minutes trying to take a screenshot of it… to no avail…
They lock out any type of screenshot you can think of, No Print Screen, No Fraps… No Window mode and Print Screen either because the game window turns into a shield of honor kind of thing so you can’t see what’s happening.
So… I took a picture… and I don’t have any good batteries for my camera… so I couldn’t go into the options to change the flash off to get the picture because it would just shut off…
So here is a really bad picture of Hellgate: London showing a Giraffe Unicycle.
Unfortunately you can’t ride it, or nock it over… or move it in any way… it also has quite the insane gear ratio going on.