Heavy unicyclists

I’m a pretty big guy (250+ lbs) trying to learn to unicycle right now. Anybody else here “big boned”?? lol

I used to be thin, but not now… maybe I will be again soon.

My only worry is that I’m trying to learn to ride a 24" Sun, which I’m finding out by reading online lately isn’t meant to hold my weight. Can’t blame them though. I can’t imagine there are many people my weight trying to unicycle.

Usually from what I understand, jugglers and unicyclists are thin, hyperactive people.

So anybody else here in the plus sizes?? Padded?? Jolly? huh? lol Any tips?

I used to be, when I learnt I was 100kgs+ (220lbs) but I lost 20kg (45lbs) just through riding (its the only exercise I regularly get), but I think that was my body panicing over the sudden increase in exertion. I’m pretty stable around 80-90kgs (bout 200lbs) now, although I’ve not weighed myself since Christmas.

There’s nothing wrong with being slightly overweight and riding. Learning is a hugely intensive workout, and you’ll find you will lose weight rapidly if you keep it up regularly! The only major problem I forsee is the same one I face… Being a big guy means more stress on components and you get through seatposts and saddles quicker if you start hopping and dropping.


Howdy big fella,

I’m right there with you. I’m a trim 290 lbs. and have been riding for five years now. My first uni was a United Trainer for large adults, but that wasn’t even rated for folks our size. But it held up except for the cranks. When I learned to hop, I bent standard steel cranks like they were made of wet spaghetti noodles. So once I started learning some of the more advanced stuff, I bought a 24" Semcycle with the Profile hub and crank set and after some trial and error, found that the Maxxis Hookworm tire suited me with it’s stiffer sidewall. I also ran the tire at an additional 75% more pressure than the rating on the tire sidewall.

Here’s a video clip of me doing a suicide mount on my Sem (although Brian Mac. would debate that I let go of the saddle in time to qualify for a suicide mount :))

All the best to you. Go for the gold!

53 yrs old, about 223lbs, and 5’10". I just learned last fall (august/september).
You can do it :slight_smile:

Oops, didn’t include the link.


bottom of the page.

I’m certainly not skinny and hyperactive. Nor am I losing weight through unicycling (but I keep hoping).

I have had some embarrassing moments when people have told me that my tyre is flat and I have to tell them no, I’m just a bit heavy. :o


5’4" 235lbs i learned almost a year ago on a 20" norco…you’ll be fine just dont to a whole lot of hopping and dropping…it will hold up fine.

someone on my track team once tried to ride my unicycle, and he didn’t seem to have trouble due to his weight…he was actually doing okay for someone who has never ridden a unicycle, like those people who can get on and sometimes pedal once or twice before falling off.
Mike Clark used to be rather large, (no offense man, you’re an awesome rider) but he was and still is a very good unicyclist.

Bruce, that didn’t look much like a suicide mount…it looked like a jump mount that you let go of in mid air

Don’t rag on the big boys. :stuck_out_tongue:

And…I’d love to contribute to the conversation…but…I have a 90 mph metabolism…

It’s great being a teen
Youth is wasted on the young, eh?

That was Brian Mac’s contention. I tend to agree with him. I prefer to call the mount the soprano mount.

I am still 210lbs 6’ tall but was 225lbs 6 mos ago
The bigger you are the less people have much to say;)

thanks for the info guys. I’m glad to see I’m not alone in this. :slight_smile:

i’m 275lbs and people still have plenty to say.

im not over weight but one of my friends is and i let him ty my uni and he did pretty good