Health issues from unicycling!!!?

He meant here

Ooops. I didnt see that he had a link there sorry :frowning:

I dont uni as much as I want to…and if I were to stop, my health would have suffered even more than the surroundings of my crotch…

Information is simply information…survey info is survey info… How its interpreted and what is done with it is another matter.

For example I have a super high chance of diabetes and cancer. I can choose to panic, go into… who gives a “Friday”, or attempt to use the information to my benefit. Myself I chose to use the info and have thus far actually reduced my status from pre-diabetic to non diabetic.

If I can use the info about unicycle injuries to increase my health even more, regardless whether it applies 100% to me or not, why would I discourage people who ask questions?

I try to always be suspect of information and conclusions, but ready to consider and reconsider information that seems sound. (Like dietary change and exercise can improve a diabetic profile.)

I was in the hospital A&E a few weeks back with bad chest pains that developed over 2 days. It turned out that I had probably strained my chest muscles severely over-breathing on a particularly strenuous stretch of my Muni path.

However, while connected to an ECG machine, its alarm kept going off because my pulse rate was below the minimum setting! The nurses rushed to my bedside, saw that I was happily catching up on my reading, then gave the ECG machine a bash to make sure it was still working and the leads were still OK. Apparently, you are dead/dying if your pulse rate is below 42bpm. With a bit of mental feedback, I could get my pulse down below 40! After a few false alarms, the nurses probably said, “It’s OK, just ignore it. It’s only that super fit unicycling guy.”


I hope that woman knows the story about the boy who cried wolf… Though I guess it’s not quite the same. Good to know us uni riders have the resting heart rate of a corpse… :smiley:

On that point, OUCH, strained chest muscles sounds nasty. I once pulled my stomach muscle (Not sure if it was my ab’s or diaphram, I was young so they just said ‘tummy muscles’…) and it was probably the most pain I’ve ever been in, hope your chest fixed up quick!


I have TFCC injury on both wrists that I’m hoping will heal soon. From practicing rolling hops too much. So I haven’t really been able to hop for the last week or two. I’ll give it a month, during that time I’m planning to work on other parts of my body. I’m currently training going up hill.

There was a time when I had a bad pinch around the back of my knee, hopping around also didn’t help that. It’s gone now but it does leave one paranoid.

The TFCC injury is the longest lasting injury I’ve ever had, quite annoying.

Just to go completely OT, I went into hospital once with a bad fever - they hooked me up on an ECG and commented that at 70 my pulse rate was perfectly normal. I had to point out that was very elevated - normal resting rate for me was ~45 at the time. I’d probably be OK with that limit alarm though as I’ve only very occasionally had a resting pulse <42.