Unfortunately I have a lot of experience with ankle sprains.
In my dozen years of competitive sky diving I incurred three badly sprained ankles. In each case the foot swelled up significantly and took on a nasty purplish hue. In all cases, I was back to 100% in six weeks. It didn’t stop me from jumping, though. In one case I was scheduled to do a max track demonstration out of a helicopter at an Armed Forces Day a week after the injury. I mounted a smoke bomb to my good foot and tracked laterally in free fall above the crowd. I intentionally landed well away from the crowd. The helicopter (carrying my crutches) landed near me and picked me up.
Although I never incurred any permanent damage, my ex-wife (who had a 1000+ jumps herself) has always had ankle problems as a result of sprains back in the 1970s.
Thanks for the responses and ideas everyone. I am looking into some brace options. I am pretty bad with confining safty gear, so I need something comfy. Although I would like to get back to riding as soon as possible, so I need somthing very supportive. Anywho I still got plenty of time to do some research.
As of now Im on day six, still swollen all the way to my toes/ just starting to subside. I can finally see some of the knuckles in my toes again:D . Still can not nearly walk on it and am becoming quite impetient with my very steep stairs. No diiggers down them yet so things could be worse. The puprle that took over my whole foot is now morfing to a yummy(in the make you want to vomit kinda way) yellow. I guess that means its the begging of the end of my struggle. I’m running out of movies and blew my online poker bank roll already. Any ideas to keep me busy and not loosing my mind?