Stay out of the big towns and you can find fairly affordable housing. But remember that californial has one of the worst, if not the worst budget problems so there is high demand for low cost housing, and a glut of high-end houses for rent. Roomate/room rental is one option because a lot of people are looking for help with the mortgage anyway then can get it.
The job market is dismal just about anywhere in the state. I think the state unemployment rate is like 12%.
I would put in Placerville as a great place to live. Not as hot as Sac and does not get as much fog. The motto of Placerville is above the fog and below the snow. But there is a shortage of low cost housing but no real ghetto areas. But compared to say LA of SF the cost of housing is low. I rent a very cute little 2 bedroom 2 bath for $1070 which right now is a little over priced but i live on a quiet little street and my landlords stay out of my business, so I don’t move to save $100 a month. But high demand for 1 bedroom apts.
SF has some ‘colorful’ areas with a mix of people but don’t qualify as ghettos. It’s been a long time since I lived in SF so not sure how those areas are priced these days.
I love california and within its boarders you can find just about any kind of environment you want. You got Fresno which is a hundred miles from anywhere and hot all summer to San Diego which has the lowest difference between hot and cold of any city in California. All coastal cities in CA have foggy spring and it’s a crap shoot which days stay foggy and which days will clear up and get sunny. There are little ‘artist’ communities like Mendocino and Cayucos. Cayucos is one of my favorite cities in CA but affordable housing it isn’t.
There is Reno which has it’s own vibe since it has casinos and legalized prostitution. Plenty of cool places to live like Mamoth mountain. Where just about anyone with a pulse can get a job during winter. It’s summer thats a bit tough for work.
A lot of people love Vancouver/British Columbia. Some people like the pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington but not everyone can take how often it is grey, cloudy and rainy.
There is Santa Cruz which is colorful city with lots of things to do since its a coastal college town. No idea what housing or jobs are like there.
If you can’t tell I’m just thinking out loud.
Venice, CA is kind of a cool place to live as long as you don’t mind parking two blocks away from where you live.
South Lake Tahoe area. Very nice place to live as long as you don’t mind 9 months of the year being tourist seasons. Lots of roomate situations in South Lake. But lots of hella cool people of all ages living there.
Oakhurst is nice. Not too big, not too small and gateway to Yosemite one of the coolest places in the United States. There is a whole bunch of towns of various sizes up and down Hwy 49. Oakhurst is at the southern end of 49. Anywhere on 49 is going to be close to good Muni somewhere nearby.