I can’t be 100% absolutely sure that it is Brian MacKenzie’s birthday, but apparently it is Sofa’s. Happy Birthday, dude, and welcome to the world of the untrustworthy!
Wait, Sofa is brian MacKenzie?
yeah. there was a page a while back with everyone fooling a poor person (maybe total, I dunno) who asked where sofa went. it was quite funny.
EDIT: yep, it was total. http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36922&perpage=15&highlight=sofa&pagenumber=1
Thanks Raphael!
'twas indeed my big three oh.
It was about 20 mins after I turned 30 that I smashed my face into the course, it wasn’t like that when I was younger
happy birthday!!
i’ll email u my b’day song mp3 in a minute
be afraid, be very afraid
Now that you are 30, you’ll have to stop listening to that head banging music. Let this be a lesson to you.
Hope that you mend better soon.