Haven't ridden in forever

I haven’t ridden in at least 5 months. What’s wrong with me? Oh yeah, I work 3 jobs and go to school. I also whine.

man i love unicycling!

Re: Haven’t ridden in forever

therefore the solution is to give up sleep. this will allow for several hours of good riding each night.

Apply Hookworm, and then “urban” to work. :o

Hey Dylan,
I have been the same way except it has been about 10 months for me. Sometimes it is really hard to do what you want when there are things that you need to do. I have a friend who used to ask me why I do not work on my classic car…He (who didn’t have a job or goto school at the time) didn’t realize how tired you can get from working (1 job let alone 3!). I am sure that there will come a point where we can relax our working and school schedule and ride once again, and believe me I look forward to it but sometimes you just have to put the uni away for a while.

Anyways, maybe in a year or two we will all be back into it and have another VIMW up your way.

Hope all is well up there! Tell Greg and Lauren I said hello.


I have a job, girlfriend, and go to school full time and I have not muni-ed in over a month. My solution was to make my muni a 29er and commute. Before you say your commute is too far, just drive (or bus or hitch) whatever distance you need to make it practical and then jump on your uni. This is a good way to ensure hours of riding each week and keep in touch with your inner gyroscope.

Hey Dylan,
Sorry to hear you’re not riding for the moment. We definitely missed you at Cal Muni Weekend this year. But juggling all the demands of real life is a hard trick sometimes. I’ve always tried to commute on unicycle or bike which gets a little riding in. Maybe you need a Coker? Anyway, I recommend you grab a couple of hours this weekend and dust off the Muni and check it out - you will love it!



I am also sorry that you are un-able to ride. But look on the bright side, at least you have distraction. I broke my foot (leave it to me not to break my foot while unicycling, but just walking down the street. Wet grass and flip-flops are a bad combo I’ve learned) It’s only been a day, but sitting at home during school on a beautiful day and not being sick, is the worst. Laying on the couch looking longingly at the 24" knowing i can’t ride today or for the next month.The doctor who took my x-rays and I got to talking, and he road in the 70’s until he fell and busted his nose… Damn, there I go veering off of the subject. You’ll find time to ride soon Dylan, wishful thinking is better than negetave eh? Hang in there.

Re: Haven’t ridden in forever

I’m not quite in the same boat but I’m on the same river. Overworked and too many other things to get done with what time is left. I think I’ve been able to get in only a couple of rides this year. Reading the forum gives me pangs of guilt. Ah the weekend awaits… We’ll see.

Re: Haven’t ridden in forever

Man… I haven’t talked to you (or most of my unicycle buddies) in forever. I haven’t ridden in forever either.

No, you don’t whine. I’ve heard some whiners in my day and you’re not one of them.


OK, my Kiyosaki-flavoured AMWAY recruitment speech starts here…:stuck_out_tongue:

actually, save me the trouble, find an amway person in your area and ask them to sign u up under this IBO number: 262660

hey, it’s worth a try :sunglasses:

Re: Haven’t ridden in forever

Dylan Wallinger Wrote:
> I haven’t ridden in at least 5 months. What’s wrong with me? Oh yeah, I
> work 3 jobs and go to school. I also whine.
> –
> Dylan Wallinger - MUni Wallbanger
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dylan Wallinger’s Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3797
> V
> iew this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/35364My titanium road bike is full of dust from the woodworking that I also
never do anymore since discovering the uni!
